I think something that attracted me to hardcore was that it felt like most of the words related to a certain part of my life without ever having any coherent connection to me. Most of the music I listen to I feel has resonated within me and shaped my outlook in some way. I mean, this is the case with most of the literature and friends I surround myself with. You are a victim of what is around you. There is no argument against the fact that you are what/who you like.
Lately I have been feeling this great gap between myself and the outside world. I stopped caring about impressions and outward beauty. Instead, lately I have been focusing on what feels good for me at the moment and what is attractive to me. In a sense this philosophy, when innately recognized, is called "self-centeredness" but in reality this is just something that every person should save time for-the self. This may seem like a wandering far from normalcy for me but it isn't. I recently came to the conclusion that no one is going to help me, no person or being or anything imaginable, is ever going to help me become anything. But none of that matters, all I need is me...for the most part.
"As on a heap of rubbish cast upon the highway the lily will grow full of sweet perfume and delight..."
-The Dhammapada on Flowers
With that, I give you Godspeed's Swimmer's Ear.

1. April
2. Written Word
3. Flume
4. Daylight Saving Time
5. Swimmer's Ear
6. Nothing Things
Six short, sweet songs.