Everything looks so delicious in the Spring.
I'm in this fake, bad mood right now. It's fake because I don't want to be in a bad mood...so it's a fake bad mood.
The other day I had this revelation that I'm just going to kind of give up most of the things in life, and focus on a few things that mean the most to me; my career, my 4/5 friends, my family, etc. I'm just not really a fan of inconsistency/ unexpected changes.
I have included some ideas for good living...
1. Don't sleep in more than two days a week-it makes sleeping in worth it.
2. Go out for brunch once a week, and yes it is brunch even if it is at two.
3. The second your not getting what you want out of something, speak up.
4. Visit your family.
5. Make necessary career changes whenever the need be.
6. Never do anything your not 110% into
7. Eat whatever you want, whenever you want
Those are some ideas.
Also, I put a counter up on this blog to see just how many people are checking it out and it turns out there are lots but never any comments. Step the comment game up? Yes no maybe?
Maybe next time I'll be more collected with this....or I can actually know if I'm in a good mood or a bad mood. Who knows. ever.
I've been e-stalking on here for a minute, so here's a comment
i love my blog tracker it lets me know that somebody out there, is reading. I'm here! I'm waiting on the mix girl xx
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