Let's clarify- sex means nothing to me really anymore. I mean, yeah, its cool but I've realized that having that perfect union of person and relationship is not going to happen, at least for a long time. I promised myself I would never even come close to having any kind of sexual relationship with anyone I wasn't in a legitimate relationship with... this past year I broke that rule twice. Both times, however, I was used to make someone jealous or just fed some kind of bullshit that I believed? Weird. I mean, getting used or lied to feels like shit, but I have an emotional rebound rate of 24 hours. I mean, I live vicariously through the sex lives of my friends...this sounds a lot creepier than it actually is.
ANYWAY, I renew that vow of prudishness till I find someone else who feels the same way, or is at least going to keep it in his pant till he sees me.
For now and for ever and for always.
So much work to do, interviews to do for various articles, applications to follow up on, books to read. Also, someone buy me spi'zikes in gray and gray. plz.
you and me both girl, you and me both.
thats why your my bff4-->
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