Here are my new year's resolutions (AKA-Things I should have taken into consideration a long time ago)
1. Be nicer.
2. When I see something I want to buy, I am going to buy it. Fuck it, I do need new Jordans when I'm down and every single thing in the Married the Mob look book. So what if I don't have groceries?
3. Read more for pleasure and not just for school.
4. Spend more nights in my underwear on the couch.
5. Start working out again.
6. Get into my schools of choice.
7. Work less, sleep more, and continue to do well in school.
8. Pay more attention to Harry.
9. Spend more time in Nik's bed than my own.
10.Buy a bearskin rug.
I'm starting off reading "The Sun Also Rises" and eating Oreos while Harry looks at me like I'm cheating on him.
For right now I'm listening to Discount, Tiger's Jaw, Bad Brains, and J. Mascis. However, I just downloaded Placebo. "Without You I'm Nothing" is one of those albums I couldn't listen to for a long time because of what I associated with it. But fuck it. If there was ever a time for me to get a grip it is right about now.
P.S. There is a rumor that the New York Times will stop printing in May of this year. Please say it ain't so.

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